proudly communist, unwaveringly american
what happens when we pacify individuals with a lie? particularly the most pernicious falsehood of all—the belief that all humans are created equal. when people demand the truth behind this lie, the stark reality emerges: this lie was never meant to uplift us; its purpose was to keep us docile, to convince us that societal issues were nothing more than personal failures. it was a convenient lie, conveniently implying that if all humans were truly created equal and treated as such under the law, then one's position in life would be solely the result of individual shortcomings. however, the everyday reality we face stands in stark contrast to the notion of equality that our society claims to uphold.
if we are to believe in the inherent equality of all humans, we must grapple with the troubling disparities that persist. why do some individuals inhabit opulent mansions from birth, while others are condemned to a life without shelter? if all humans are equal, why were amendments necessary to recognize the humanity of marginalized groups such as black people and women? if all humans are equal, why do some gain access to esteemed colleges based on family legacies, while others of equal merit are unjustly overlooked? if all humans are created equal how can the supreme court decide some bodies have different rights? it is time to dispense with the pretense that the founding fathers had the best interests of every citizen in mind. we must confront the harsh reality that the constitution, when it was written, would have only allowed a minute fraction of the population—around 8% according to widely cited estimates—to vote. effectively, our founding document was designed to exclude over 90% of those it governed. we must acknowledge the inherent flaws of our founding and dismantle the system that was deliberately created to subjugate the majority of the people. instead, it is imperative that we fulfill the lie of equality upon which this nation was purportedly built.
the moment has arrived for us to forge a country that genuinely caters to each and every one of its humans. we must prioritize the needs and aspirations of people over the vested interests of corporations, placing human well-being before the whims of the affluent. it is our collective responsibility to establish a government that serves the shared interests of all citizens, rather than catering to the select few who hold power and privilege. each and every human being deserves the fundamental rights of safety and nourishment, the ability to rest peacefully with a full belly ever night. it is time for us to transform the long-standing lie of equality into tangible reality, constructing a nation that embraces the well-being, dignity, and flourishing of all its inhabitants.
this is why we must urgently turn away from the clutches of capitalism. it has become a voracious disease, consuming the very essence of our world. if we do not halt its destructive path, we risk irreversibly harming the very home that sustains us, if we have not done so already. capitalism has ensnared us in its web, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation and inequality. we cannot allow corporate interests to dictate the fate of humanity any longer.
the time has come to dismantle the oppressive reign of the dollar and liberate ourselves from the tyranny it imposes. capitalism's relentless pursuit of profit at the expense of human well-being and the environment cannot be sustained any longer. we must seek alternative systems that prioritize the welfare of all individuals, fostering equitable distribution of resources and the protection of our planet.
it is imperative that the government assumes its role as guardians of the commons, standing firm against the tragedies of abuse which arise from unbridled capitalism. we, as individuals, cannot single-handedly save the earth from this crisis. it is only through collective action, as a united people, that we can bring about the necessary changes. we must rise together, driven by our shared responsibility and unwavering determination.
as we embark on this transformative journey, let us envision a future where compassion, cooperation, and sustainability guide our path. let us build a society that values the inherent worth and dignity of every human being, free from the shackles of capitalism. together, we can forge a world where the pursuit of profit is replaced with a pursuit of human interests, where the needs of all are met, and where the earth flourishes in harmony with its inhabitants. this is our call to action, a collective mission to end capitalism's grip and usher in a new era of hope and prosperity for humanity and our mother planet.
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